The School Library

Welcome to our School Library!

Library Opening Hours

All children in Year R-6 visit the library a minimum of every two weeks. In addition, the library is also open at lunchtimes for specific year groups to visit independently. We will pop the new timetable up next term.

Summer Reading

Keeping reading over the summer is hugely important but should also be enjoyable. Whether you pick up a treat at the book shop, find a bargain in the charity shop or visit one of our brilliant local libraries, the most important thing is to read something. Reading for pleasure can be magazines, online, eBooks or audio books. Whatever works for you!

We were visited by Jenny from Ash and Farnham Library recently who shared with us lots of brilliant information about the Summer Reading Challenge, running in all Surrey and Hampshire Libraries. It's free to take part and there are lots of fun activities. If getting to the library is tricky, you can access lots of the services remotely too. Check out the presentation attached below for further information. 

After School Opening

Mrs Smart opens the school every Thursday from 3.15 until 4pm to allow parents to visit with their children. All Holly Lodge pupils are automatically enrolled in the library. We are also able to register pre-school siblings, to allow for family visits. Pop in to help them choose a book to share, or ask questions and get support with reading for pleasure.


This website has a wealth of excellent books for all ages. If you do purchase for your child, please don't forget to nominate Holly Lodge to received your points. We use these to purchase new books for the library to keep the collection up tp date and exciting for the children.

Amazon Wish List

Many of the children come to the library looking for specific books which reflect their interests. When we don't have quite the right thing for them, we add the items to our Wishlist. If you are able to support the school by making a purchase, please click the link. We are happy to place a commemorative book plate inside the book for each donation.  The link to our wish list is here:


 Photo Donation


Libresoft is the software package that we use to manage the loans and returns to the school library. Please look out for reminder emails which we will send out for books more than four weeks overdue. There is an attachment to each email which has further information about the book/s outstanding.

Had a disaster and the new puppy has eaten a library book? Did the dreaded water bottle leak all over your child's library books? Please get in touch. We are happy to accept good quality second hand copies as replacements or £6 cash per book towards the cost, in a named envelope to the school office.

If children have an overdue book we will remind them in class before sending a reminder home. If there is a problem or you believe an error has been made, please email so that we can get it resolved quickly. Please note children will be unable to borrow new books until overdue ones are returned or replaced.

Useful Links

Local Libraries enable children to borrow, reserve and request books from across the country, all free of charge. As well as running free holiday activities there are also options for getting eBooks, magazines and Audio books directly onto your tablet computers. See the presentation below for more links.

The Reading Agency have lots of links to ideas, resources and tips, just visit:

The Open University have a brilliant website with lots of Reading for Pleasure hints and tips.


If you have any questions for the library please email them to :


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