What Parents Need to Know
Parent Information
We communicate with Parents on Tapestry along with e-mails.
Sometimes we will communicate through the Class Reps.
If you have any problems or concerns we are always available. Please do come and talk to us arranging a convenient time by emailing the office.
We will post photos of your children and their learning on tapestry. This is fed into a journal for you to see
and for us to track their progress in all areas of the curriculum. It is a 2 way system whereby we would like you to share any
learning that you do at home with your child. As your child will sometimes appear in photos sent to other parents we ask that you give permission for this to take place.
White polo
Grey trousers/skirt
Green school sweatshirt/cardigan
Summer dress
Grey Shorts
White or grey socks
black shoes
Prior to coming to school it would be good if your children could dress and undress with some independence.
Use the toilet independently
PE Kit
PE this year is to be on a Tuesday morning.
All children need to have:
- A white T-shirt
- Green Shorts
- Trainers (Velcro please)
- Jogging bottom and Jumper (in a dark colour )
- Change of pants and socks is useful.
It is essential that all items are clearly labelled.
PE kits usually stay in school for the half term unless we feel they need to come home to be washed.
We ask that parents take their children's PE kits home to be washed every half term.
Home learning
To link with our learning in school, the children will bring home a phonics book as and when we learn a new sound and tricky words. Home learning not only helps the children to consolidate their learning from school, but also allows you to play a part in their learning too.
In preparation for your child coming to school it would be lovely for you and other family members to share lots of books focusing on enjoyment and talking about the book.
Reading is an essential skill for your child to learn. Through the learning of sounds and high frequency words within Foundation Stage the children will develop the skill of decoding words along with sight reading. It is important that the children are exposed to a range of texts so that they can apply their knowledge of sounds and words in different contexts.
When reading story books, the children not only need to gain an understanding of how to break down words using their phonic knowledge, but also have a good comprehension and understanding of the story. To develop their skills of understanding, asking your child questions about the plot, characters and what might happen next using the pictures within the story to support them will help to develop their comprehension skills.
Information texts are a good way to develop the children's skills of finding answers to questions and understanding the different features within the text, for example headings, contents pages and labels.
In reception the children are given a book once a week to be read everyday building their confidence and reading skills. A reading meeting will be held early in the Autumn Term and it is essential to attend this.
We ask that parents sign and write a short comment when the child reads the book.
We aim to hear all children to read once a week either individually or as part of a group.
Children need to have a book bag to carry books to and from school. It is better if these are a standard book bag rather than a rucksack.
Look forward to meeting you
From the Reception Team